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Robert Welland

In the United States, there are 30 individuals named Robert Welland spread across 25 states, with the largest populations residing in Florida, California, Pennsylvania. These Robert Welland range in age from 49 to 90 years old. A potential relative includes Harriet Welland. You can reach Robert Welland through their email address, which is internette1***@aol.com. The associated phone number is 410-751-5223, along with 6 other potential numbers in the area codes corresponding to 717, 573, 703. For a comprehensive view, you can access contact details, phone numbers, addresses, emails, social media profiles, arrest records, photos, videos, public records, business records, resumes, CVs, work history, and related names to ensure you have all the information you need.

Public information about Robert Welland

Phones & Addresses

Robert Welland
Robert A Welland
410-751-5223, 410-876-6320
Robert Welland
Robert Welland
Robert C Welland
Robert C. Welland
Robert E. Welland
Background search with BeenVerified
Data provided by Veripages


Us Patents

System And Method For Restricting Data Transfers And Managing Software Components Of Distributed Computers

US Patent:
7043545, May 9, 2006
Dec 8, 2004
Appl. No.:
Bassam Tabbara - Seattle WA, US
Galen C. Hunt - Bellevue WA, US
Aamer Hydrie - Seattle WA, US
Steven P. Levi - Redmond WA, US
David S. Stutz - Redmond WA, US
Robert V. Welland - Seattle WA, US
Microsoft Corporation - Redmond WA
International Classification:
G06F 15/173
US Classification:
709223, 709224, 709225, 709229
A controller, referred to as the “BMonitor”, is situated on a computer. The BMonitor includes a plurality of filters that identify where data can be sent to and/or received from, such as another node in a co-location facility or a client computer coupled to the computer via the Internet. The BMonitor further receives and implements requests from external sources regarding the management of software components executing on the computer, allowing such external sources to initiate, terminate, debug, etc. software components on the computer. Additionally, the BMonitor operates as a trusted third party mediating interaction among multiple external sources managing the computer.

Architecture For Distributed Computing System And Automated Design, Deployment, And Management Of Distributed Applications

US Patent:
7072807, Jul 4, 2006
Feb 26, 2004
Appl. No.:
Mathilde C. Brown - Seattle WA, US
Charlie D. Chase - Woodinville WA, US
Kevin Grealish - Seattle WA, US
Galen C. Hunt - Bellevue WA, US
Aamer Hydrie - Seattle WA, US
David Noble - Redmond WA, US
Geoffrey Outhred - Seattle WA, US
Glenn R. Peterson - Kenmore WA, US
Bassam Tabbara - Seattle WA, US
Alexander Torone - Sammamsih WA, US
Robert V. Welland - Seattle WA, US
Microsoft Corporation - Redmond WA
International Classification:
G06F 17/50
US Classification:
703 1, 709201
A design tool includes a service definition model to enable abstract description of distributed computing systems and distributed applications. The design tool also includes a schema to dictate how functional operations within the service definition model are to be specified. The functional operations include design of distributed applications, deployment of distributed applications, and management of distributed applications.

Active Debugging Environment For Debugging Mixed-Language Scripting Code

US Patent:
6353923, Mar 5, 2002
Jan 30, 1998
Appl. No.:
Phillip Lee Bogle - Redmond WA
Gary S. Katzenberger - Woodinville WA
Samuel James McKelvie - Seattle WA
Robert Victor Welland - Seattle WA
Microsoft Corporation - Redmond WA
International Classification:
G06F 945
US Classification:
717 4
An active debugging environment for debugging a virtual application that contains program language code from multiple compiled and/or interpreted programming languages. The active debugging environment is language neutral and host neutral, where the host is a standard content centric script host with language engines for each of the multiple compiled and/or interpreted programming languages represented in the virtual application. The active debugging environment user interface can be of any debug tool interface design. The language neutral and host neutral active debugging environment is facilitated by a process debug manager that catalogs and manages application specific components, and a machine debug manager that catalogs and manages the various applications that comprise a virtual application being run by the script host. The process debug manager and the machine debug manager act as an interface between the language engine specific programming language details and the debug user interface.

System And Method Providing Automatic Policy Enforcement In A Multi-Computer Service Application

US Patent:
7080143, Jul 18, 2006
May 11, 2004
Appl. No.:
Galen C. Hunt - Bellevue WA, US
Aamer Hydrie - Kirkland WA, US
Steven P. Levi - Redmond WA, US
Bassam Tabbara - Seattle WA, US
Mark D. Van Antwerp - Redmond WA, US
Robert V. Welland - Seattle WA, US
Microsoft Corporation - Redmond WA
International Classification:
G06F 15/173
US Classification:
709224, 709202, 709220, 709223, 709226, 370254, 370389, 714 39, 714 47, 719318
Systems and methods to enforce policy in a multi-computer service application are described. The application includes multiple software modules that execute on multiple computers. The multi-computer service application has access to a communications medium that allows data communications between different ones of the computers. The software modules have logical input and output ports and logical data connections between modules. Each logical port is defined by port software. In one aspect, a particular module sends a notification to a policy module. Responsive to the notification, the policy module (a) determines a request for one or more destination modules, and (b) provides the request to an output port of the policy module. The output port forwards the request to input ports of a plurality of the modules in accordance with the logical data connections.

Using Packet Filters And Network Virtualization To Restrict Network Communications

US Patent:
7093288, Aug 15, 2006
Oct 24, 2000
Appl. No.:
Aamer Hydrie - Kirkland WA, US
Galen C. Hunt - Bellevue WA, US
Steven P. Levi - Redmond WA, US
Bassam Tabbara - Seattle WA, US
Robert V. Welland - Seattle WA, US
Microsoft Corporation - Redmond WA
International Classification:
G06F 9/00
G06F 15/16
G06F 17/00
G06F 7/04
G06F 7/58
G06K 9/00
H04L 9/00
G06F 15/177
US Classification:
726 13, 726 3, 726 11, 726 12, 726 14, 726 15, 713151, 713162, 709227, 709238, 709244, 709245
A network mediator corresponding to a computing device uses packet filters to restrict network communications. The network mediator includes a set of one or more filters, each filter having parameters that are compared to corresponding parameters of a data packet to be passed through the network mediator. The network mediator determines whether to allow the data packet through based on whether the data packet parameters match any filter parameters. The set of filters can be modified by a remote device, but cannot be modified by the computing device whose communications are being restricted. When a data packet is sent from the computing device, the data packet will include the virtual address which is changed to the network address by the network mediator prior to forwarding the packet on the network, and vice versa. By virtualizing the addresses, the computing device is restricted in accessing other devices over the network.

System And Method For Restricting Data Transfers And Managing Software Components Of Distributed Computers

US Patent:
6886038, Apr 26, 2005
Oct 24, 2000
Appl. No.:
Bassam Tabbara - Seattle WA, US
Galen C. Hunt - Bellevue WA, US
Aamer Hydrie - Kirkland WA, US
Steven P. Levi - Redmond WA, US
David S. Stutz - Redmond WA, US
Robert V. Welland - Seattle WA, US
Microsoft Corporation - Redmond WA
International Classification:
US Classification:
709223, 709224, 709225, 709229
A controller, referred to as the “BMonitor”, is situated on a computer. The BMonitor includes a plurality of filters that identify where data can be sent to and/or received from, such as another node in a co-location facility or a client computer coupled to the computer via the Internet. The BMonitor further receives and implements requests from external sources regarding the management of software components executing on the computer, allowing such external sources to initiate, terminate, debug, etc. software components on the computer. Additionally, the BMonitor operates as a trusted third party mediating interaction among multiple external sources managing the computer.

System And Method Providing Automatic Policy Enforcement In A Multi-Computer Service Application

US Patent:
7096258, Aug 22, 2006
May 12, 2004
Appl. No.:
Galen C. Hunt - Bellevue WA, US
Aamer Hydrie - Kirkland WA, US
Steven P. Levi - Redmond WA, US
Bassam Tabbara - Seattle WA, US
Mark D. Van Antwerp - Redmond WA, US
Robert V. Welland - Seattle WA, US
Microsoft Corporation - Redmond WA
International Classification:
G06F 15/177
US Classification:
709220, 709223, 709224, 709246, 717120, 717121
Systems and methods to enforce policy in a multi-computer service application are described. In one aspect, a scale-independent logical model of an application is generated. The application is for implementation in a distributed computing system. The scale-independent logical model includes multiple components representing logical functions of the application and intercommunication protocols. The model components are converted into one or more instances representative of physical resources used to implement the logical functions. The instances specify information such as communication ports on the physical resources and communication paths that link the physical resources.

System And Method For Logical Modeling Of Distributed Computer Systems

US Patent:
7113900, Sep 26, 2006
Oct 24, 2000
Appl. No.:
Galen C. Hunt - Bellevue WA, US
Aamer Hydrie - Kirkland WA, US
Robert V. Welland - Seattle WA, US
Bassam Tabbara - Seattle WA, US
Steven P. Levi - Redmond WA, US
Jakob Rehof - Redmond WA, US
Microsoft Corporation - Redmond WA
International Classification:
G06F 17/50
G06F 7/62
US Classification:
703 13
A modeling system permits developers of applications for distributed computer system, such as those used in server data centers or Internet data centers (IDCs), to architect their hardware and software in an abstract manner. The modeling system defines a set of components that represent abstract functional operations of the application that will eventually be physically implemented by one or more computers and one or more software programs executing on the computers. Associated with the model components is a schema that dictates how the functional operations are to be specified. From the model components, the developers can create logical, scale-independent models of the applications that may be implemented by the distributed computer system. The application is scale-independent in that the application is invariant in respect to the number of computers and software programs that my eventually be used to implement it. The application may subsequently be converted to a physical blueprint that specifies the number and type of hardware/software resources and the physical layout of the distributed computer system.

FAQ: Learn more about Robert Welland

What are Robert Welland's alternative names?

Known alternative name for Robert Welland is: Harriet Welland. This can be alias, maiden name, or nickname.

What is Robert Welland's current residential address?

Robert Welland's current known residential address is: 40405 6 Mile Rd, Northville Township, MI 48167. Please note this is subject to privacy laws and may not be current.

What are the previous addresses of Robert Welland?

Previous addresses associated with Robert Welland include: 104 Barnwood Pl, Harrisburg, PA 17112; 923 Chloe St, Perryville, MO 63775; 11766 Great Owl Cir, Reston, VA 20194; 40405 6 Mile Rd, Northville Township, MI 48167; 627 Library Pl, Evanston, IL 60201. Remember that this information might not be complete or up-to-date.

Where does Robert Welland live?

Northville, MI is the place where Robert Welland currently lives.

How old is Robert Welland?

Robert Welland is 49 years old.

What is Robert Welland date of birth?

Robert Welland was born on 1975.

What is Robert Welland's email?

Robert Welland has email address: internette1***@aol.com. Note that the accuracy of this email may vary and this is subject to privacy laws and restrictions.

What is Robert Welland's telephone number?

Robert Welland's known telephone numbers are: 410-751-5223, 410-876-6320, 717-545-2727, 573-547-2341, 703-709-5839, 313-420-7902. However, these numbers are subject to change and privacy restrictions.

Who is Robert Welland related to?

Known relative of Robert Welland is: Harriet Welland. This information is based on available public records.

What are Robert Welland's alternative names?

Known alternative name for Robert Welland is: Harriet Welland. This can be alias, maiden name, or nickname.

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