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Graham Creasey

In the United States, there are 6 individuals named Graham Creasey spread across 4 states, with the largest populations residing in Michigan, Ohio, California. These Graham Creasey range in age from 55 to 76 years old. Some potential relatives include Adam Creasey, Herbert Pembleton, Laura Holmes. You can reach Graham Creasey through their email address, which is gcrea***@aim.com. The associated phone number is 216-570-1900, including 2 other potential numbers within the area code of 248. For a comprehensive view, you can access contact details, phone numbers, addresses, emails, social media profiles, arrest records, photos, videos, public records, business records, resumes, CVs, work history, and related names to ensure you have all the information you need.

Public information about Graham Creasey


Us Patents

Non-Invasive Nerve Stimulation

US Patent:
2018020, Jul 19, 2018
Mar 5, 2018
Appl. No.:
- Waltham MA, US
Alan E. LOH - Los Altos CA, US
Robert W. SCOTT - El Grenada CA, US
Anthony WEI - Palo Alto CA, US
Graham Harold CREASEY - Menlo Park CA, US
Hoo-min D. TOONG - Cambridge MA, US
International Classification:
A61N 1/36
A61N 1/04
A topical nerve stimulator patch and system are provided including a dermal patch; an electrical signal generator associated with the patch; a signal receiver to activate the electrical signal generator; a power source for the electrical signal generator associated with the patch; an electrical signal activation device; and a nerve feedback sensor.

Non-Invasive Nerve Stimulation

US Patent:
2020038, Dec 10, 2020
Aug 26, 2020
Appl. No.:
- Waltham MA, US
Alan E. LOH - Los Altos CA, US
Robert W. SCOTT - El Granada CA, US
Anthony WEI - Palo Alto CA, US
Graham Harold CREASEY - Menlo Park CA, US
Hoo-Min D. TOONG - Cambridge MA, US
International Classification:
A61N 1/36
A61N 1/04
A61B 5/04
A61B 5/00
A61B 5/053
A61B 5/0488
A61B 5/1495
A61B 5/0402
A61B 5/11
A topical nerve stimulator patch and system are provided including a dermal patch; an electrical signal generator associated with the patch; a signal receiver to activate the electrical signal generator; a power source for the electrical signal generator associated with the patch; an electrical signal activation device; and a nerve feedback sensor.

Systems And Methods For Selectively Stimulating Components In, On, Or Near The Pudendal Nerve Or Its Branches To Achieve Selective Physiologic Responses

US Patent:
6907293, Jun 14, 2005
Mar 29, 2002
Appl. No.:
Warren M. Grill - Cleveland OH, US
Kenneth J. Gustafson - Shaker Heights OH, US
Graham H. Creasey - Shaker Heights OH, US
Case Western Reserve University - Cleveland OH
International Classification:
US Classification:
607 39, 607 40, 607 41, 607 2
Systems and methods selectively stimulate components of the pudendal nerve away from the sacral root to evoke desired physiologic responses in persons who lack the ability to otherwise produce these responses—e. g. , maintain continence and/or produce micturition, and/or provide male/female sexuality responses, and/or provide bowel responses. The systems and methods use a multiple electrode array, or individual electrodes, placed on, in, or near the pudendal nerve. The electrode array, or individual electrodes, in association with a pulse generator, provide selective stimulation of individual fascicles within the pudendal nerve, to achieve different physiologic responses.

Non-Invasive Nerve Stimulation

US Patent:
2021001, Jan 21, 2021
Sep 24, 2020
Appl. No.:
- Waltham MA, US
Alan E. LOH - Los Altos CA, US
Robert W. SCOTT - El Granada CA, US
Anthony WEI - Palo Alto CA, US
Graham Harold CREASEY - Menlo Park CA, US
Hoo-Min D. TOONG - Cambridge MA, US
International Classification:
A61N 1/36
A61N 1/08
One example provides a nerve stimulation treatment using electrodes coupled to a user. Examples determine a target charge level and output a series of pulses from the electrodes. For each pulse outputted, examples measure a charge value of the pulse and compare the charge value to the target charge level. If the charge value is greater than the target charge level, examples reduce a strength level of a subsequent outputted pulse. If the charge value is less than the target charge level, examples increase the strength level of a subsequent outputted pulse.

Non-Invasive Nerve Activator With Adaptive Circuit

US Patent:
2021014, May 20, 2021
Jan 27, 2021
Appl. No.:
- Waltham MA, US
Alan E. Loh - Los Altos CA, US
Robert W. SCOTT - El Granada CA, US
Anthony WEI - Palo Alto CA, US
Graham Harold CREASEY - Menlo Park CA, US
Hoo-min D. TOONG - Cambridge MA, US
International Classification:
A61N 1/36
A61N 1/04
A topical nerve activation patch includes a flexible substrate, a dermis conforming bottom surface of the substrate comprising adhesive and adapted to contact a dermis of a user, a flexible top outer surface of the substrate approximately parallel to the bottom surface, a plurality of electrodes positioned on the patch proximal to the bottom surface and located beneath the top outer surface and coupled to the flexible substrate, a power source, and electronic circuitry that generates an output voltage applied to the electrodes. The electronic circuitry includes a controller, a voltage monitoring circuit coupled to the controller, a current monitoring circuit coupled to the controller, a switch coupled to the controller and a boosted voltage circuit coupled to the switch and the power source.

Methods For Selectively Stimulating Components In, On, Or Near The Pudendal Nerve Or Its Branches To Achieve Selective Physiologic Responses

US Patent:
7623925, Nov 24, 2009
May 31, 2005
Appl. No.:
Warren M Grill - Cleveland OH, US
Kenneth J Gustafson - Shaker Heights OH, US
Graham H Creasey - Shaker Heights OH, US
Case Western Reserve University - Cleveland OH
International Classification:
A61N 1/36
US Classification:
607 41, 607 39, 607 40
Systems and methods selectively stimulate components of the pudendal nerve away from the sacral root to evoke desired physiologic responses in persons who lack the ability to otherwise produce these responses—e. g. , maintain continence and/or produce micturition, and/or provide male/female sexuality responses, and/or provide bowel responses. The systems and methods use a multiple electrode array, or individual electrodes, placed on, in, or near the pudendal nerve. The electrode array, or individual electrodes, in association with a pulse generator, provide selective stimulation of individual fascicles within the pudendal nerve, to achieve different physiologic responses.

System And Method For Controlling Neural And Muscular Function

US Patent:
2013018, Jul 18, 2013
Jan 12, 2013
Appl. No.:
Graham Creasey - Palo Alto CA, US
International Classification:
A61N 5/06
US Classification:
604 20
A system and method for controlling neural and muscular function is disclosed in which opsins are introduced into a neural circuit such that the control of optical signals transmitted to the opsins results in the control of neural and muscular functions. Specifically disclosed is the control of the bladder, bowel, and sexual functions of a human.

Sphincteric Control System

US Patent:
2010027, Oct 28, 2010
Jul 7, 2010
Appl. No.:
Graham H. Creasey - Menlo Park CA, US
Jim Patrick - Roseville, AU
International Classification:
A61F 2/48
A61N 1/36
US Classification:
600 30, 607 41
A sphincteric control system for controlling the function of a bodily organ, such as the bladder. The system includes a first implanted sphincter disposed about a portion of the bodily organ, a second implanted sphincter disposed about a portion of the bodily organ, and a stimulator unit that is adapted to apply electrical stimulation to each of the first and second implanted sphincters. One of the first or second implanted sphincters is made from a smooth muscle and the other of the first or second implanted sphincters is made from a striated muscle.
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FAQ: Learn more about Graham Creasey

What is Graham Creasey date of birth?

Graham Creasey was born on 1948.

What is Graham Creasey's email?

Graham Creasey has email address: gcrea***@aim.com. Note that the accuracy of this email may vary and this is subject to privacy laws and restrictions.

What is Graham Creasey's telephone number?

Graham Creasey's known telephone numbers are: 216-570-1900, 248-513-4251, 216-778-3472, 216-691-0869, 216-295-0465, 216-295-0451. However, these numbers are subject to change and privacy restrictions.

How is Graham Creasey also known?

Graham Creasey is also known as: Graham L Creasey, Graham H Grease, Graham H Holmes, Graham H Cresscy. These names can be aliases, nicknames, or other names they have used.

Who is Graham Creasey related to?

Known relatives of Graham Creasey are: Holmes Holmes, Laura Holmes, Linda Holmes, Robert Holmes, Adam Creasey, Laura Creasey, Herbert Pembleton. This information is based on available public records.

What are Graham Creasey's alternative names?

Known alternative names for Graham Creasey are: Holmes Holmes, Laura Holmes, Linda Holmes, Robert Holmes, Adam Creasey, Laura Creasey, Herbert Pembleton. These can be aliases, maiden names, or nicknames.

What is Graham Creasey's current residential address?

Graham Creasey's current known residential address is: 263 Yale Rd, Menlo Park, CA 94025. Please note this is subject to privacy laws and may not be current.

What are the previous addresses of Graham Creasey?

Previous addresses associated with Graham Creasey include: 23925 Hickory Grove Ct, Novi, MI 48375; 2500 Metrohealth, Cleveland, OH 44109; 2867 Montgomery, Beachwood, OH 44122; 2867 Montgomery Rd, Beachwood, OH 44122. Remember that this information might not be complete or up-to-date.

Where does Graham Creasey live?

Sausalito, CA is the place where Graham Creasey currently lives.

How old is Graham Creasey?

Graham Creasey is 76 years old.

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