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Rebecca Faller

In the United States, there are 23 individuals named Rebecca Faller spread across 17 states, with the largest populations residing in Pennsylvania, Illinois, Michigan. These Rebecca Faller range in age from 30 to 72 years old. Some potential relatives include David Hecht, Carole Born, Bryan Klotz. You can reach Rebecca Faller through various email addresses, including fallerk***@aol.com, rebeccafal***@webtv.net. The associated phone number is 610-779-3495, along with 6 other potential numbers in the area codes corresponding to 208, 612, 908. For a comprehensive view, you can access contact details, phone numbers, addresses, emails, social media profiles, arrest records, photos, videos, public records, business records, resumes, CVs, work history, and related names to ensure you have all the information you need.

Public information about Rebecca Faller

Phones & Addresses

Rebecca Faller
Rebecca B Faller
Rebecca Faller
Rebecca L Faller
815-578-9808, 815-344-5424
Rebecca J Faller
Rebecca J Faller
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Data provided by Veripages


Us Patents

Abatement Of Effluents From Chemical Vapor Deposition Processes Using Organometallic Source Reagents

US Patent:
6749671, Jun 15, 2004
Feb 5, 2003
Appl. No.:
Mark Holst - San Jose CA
Ray Dubois - Mesa AZ
Jose Arno - Brookfield CT
Rebecca Faller - Campbell CA
Glenn Tom - New Milford CT
Advanced Technology Materials, Inc. - Danbury CT
International Classification:
B01D 5304
US Classification:
96108, 96111, 96143, 427250, 73 232
A method and apparatus for abatement of effluent from a CVD process using a source reagent having a metal organic loosely bound to a organic or organometallic molecule such that upon exposure to heat such bond is readily cleavable, e. g. , copper deposition process involving the formation of films on a substrate by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (CVD) utilizing a precursor composition for such film formation. The abatement process in specific embodiments facilitates high efficiency abatement of effluents from copper deposition processes utilizing Cu(hfac)TMVS as a copper source reagent.

Abatement Of Effluent From Chemical Vapor Deposition Processes Using Ligand Exchange Resistant Metal-Organic Precursor Solutions

US Patent:
6833024, Dec 21, 2004
Oct 23, 2002
Appl. No.:
Mark Holst - Sunnyvale CA
Rebecca Faller - Hayward CA
Glenn Tom - New Milford CT
Jose Arno - Brookfield CT
Ray Dubois - Gilbert AZ
Adanced Technology Materials, Inc. - Danbury CT
International Classification:
B01D 5304
US Classification:
96108, 96109, 96111, 96134, 96142, 96143, 423210, 423230, 423250, 73 232, 118715
Apparatus and method for abatement of effluent from multi-component metal oxides deposited by CVD processes using metal source reagent liquid solutions which comprise at least one metal coordination complex including a metal to which is coordinatively bound at least one ligand in a stable complex and a suitable solvent medium for that metal coordination complex e. g. , a metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) process for forming barium strontium titanate (BST) thin films on substrates. The effluent is sorptively treated to remove precursor species and MOCVD process by-products from the effluent. An endpoint detector such as a quartz microbalance detector may be employed to detect incipient breakthrough conditions in the sorptive treatment unit.

In-Situ Air Oxidation Treatment Of Mocvd Process Effluent

US Patent:
6491884, Dec 10, 2002
Nov 21, 2000
Appl. No.:
Rebecca Faller - Hayward CA
Mark Holst - Sunnyvale CA
Advanced Technology Materials, Inc. - Danbury CT
International Classification:
C01B 700
US Classification:
423210, 423248, 502 38, 96108, 96130
An effluent abatement system for abating hydride species in a hydride-containing effluent, arranged for carrying out the steps of: (1) contacting the hydride-containing effluent with a dry scrubber material comprising a metal oxide that is reactive with the hydride species to remove the hydride species from the effluent, until the capacity of the dry scrubber material for hydride species is at least partially exhausted; and (2) contacting the at least partially exhausted capacity dry scrubber material with an oxidant to at least partially regain the capacity of the dry scrubber material for the hydride species. The system of the invention has particular utility in the treatment of effluent from III-V compound semiconductor manufacturing operations.

Method Of Abating Of Effluents From Chemical Vapor Deposition Processes Using Organometallic Source Reagents

US Patent:
6391385, May 21, 2002
Oct 18, 1999
Appl. No.:
Mark Holst - San Jose CA
Ray Dubois - Mesa AZ
Jose Arno - Brookfield CT
Rebecca Faller - Campbell CA
Glenn Tom - New Milford CT
Advanced Technology Materials, Inc. - Danbury CT
International Classification:
C01B 3108
US Classification:
427250, 423226, 423230
A method and apparatus for abatement of effluent from a CVD process using a source reagent having a metal organic loosely bound to a organic or organomettalic molecule such that upon exposure to heat such bond is readily cleavable, e. g. , copper deposition process involving the formation of films on a substrate by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (CVD) utilizing a precursor composition for such film formation. The abatement process in specific embodiments facilitates high efficiency abatement of effluents from copper deposition processes utilizing Cu(hfac)TMVS as a copper source reagent.

Abatement Of Effluent From Chemical Vapor Deposition Processes Using Ligand Exchange Resistant Metal-Organic Precursor Solutions

US Patent:
6500487, Dec 31, 2002
Oct 18, 1999
Appl. No.:
Mark Holst - Sunnyvale CA
Rebecca Faller - Hayward CA
Glenn Tom - New Milford CT
Jose Arno - Brookfield CT
Ray Dubois - Gilbert AZ
Advanced Technology Materials, Inc - Danbury CT
International Classification:
C23C 1640
US Classification:
4272481, 42725532, 4232451
Apparatus and method for abatement of effluent from multi-component metal oxides deposited by CVD processes using metal source reagent liquid solutions which comprise at least one metal coordination complex including a metal to which is coordinatively bound at least one ligand in a stable complex and a suitable solvent medium for that metal coordination complex e. g. , a metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) process for forming barium strontium titanate (BST) thin films on substrates. The effluent is sorptively treated to remove precursor species and MOCVD process by-products from the effluent. An endpoint detector such as a quartz microbalance detector may be employed to detect incipient breakthrough conditions in the sorptive treatment unit.

Abatement Of Effluents From Chemical Vapor Deposition Processes Using Organometallic Source Reagents

US Patent:
6537353, Mar 25, 2003
Apr 6, 2001
Appl. No.:
Mark Holst - San Jose CA
Ray Dubois - Mesa AZ
Jose Arno - Brookfield CT
Rebecca Faller - Campbell CA
Glenn Tom - New Milford CT
Advanced Technology Materials, Inc. - Danbury CT
International Classification:
B01D 5304
US Classification:
96108, 96142, 423210
A method and apparatus for abatement of effluent from a CVD process using a source reagent having a metal organic loosely bound to a organic or organomettalic molecule such that upon exposure to heat such bond is readily cleavable, e. g. , copper deposition process involving the formation of films on a substrate by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (CVD) utilizing a precursor composition for such film formation. The abatement process in specific embodiments facilitates high efficiency abatement of effluents from copper deposition processes utilizing Cu(hfac)TMVS as a copper source reagent.

FAQ: Learn more about Rebecca Faller

What is Rebecca Faller's current residential address?

Rebecca Faller's current known residential address is: 2176 Starlite Dr, Saginaw, MI 48603. Please note this is subject to privacy laws and may not be current.

What are the previous addresses of Rebecca Faller?

Previous addresses associated with Rebecca Faller include: 1322 15Th Ave, Lewiston, ID 83501; 1029 7Th Ave Se, Rochester, MN 55904; 119 Makatom Dr, Cranford, NJ 07016; 5416 W Valley Dr, Richmond, IL 60071; 27 Beechwood Dr, Reading, PA 19606. Remember that this information might not be complete or up-to-date.

Where does Rebecca Faller live?

Saginaw, MI is the place where Rebecca Faller currently lives.

How old is Rebecca Faller?

Rebecca Faller is 65 years old.

What is Rebecca Faller date of birth?

Rebecca Faller was born on 1958.

What is Rebecca Faller's email?

Rebecca Faller has such email addresses: fallerk***@aol.com, rebeccafal***@webtv.net. Note that the accuracy of these emails may vary and they are subject to privacy laws and restrictions.

What is Rebecca Faller's telephone number?

Rebecca Faller's known telephone numbers are: 610-779-3495, 208-746-3949, 612-756-1855, 908-721-6939, 989-753-2736, 408-879-9646. However, these numbers are subject to change and privacy restrictions.

How is Rebecca Faller also known?

Rebecca Faller is also known as: Becky A Faller, Rebecca A Fischer, Faller Rebecca. These names can be aliases, nicknames, or other names they have used.

Who is Rebecca Faller related to?

Known relatives of Rebecca Faller are: Nora Gildea, Rebecca Faller, Stephanie Faller, William Faller, Cameron Faller. This information is based on available public records.

What are Rebecca Faller's alternative names?

Known alternative names for Rebecca Faller are: Nora Gildea, Rebecca Faller, Stephanie Faller, William Faller, Cameron Faller. These can be aliases, maiden names, or nicknames.

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