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Michael Swales

In the United States, there are 28 individuals named Michael Swales spread across 24 states, with the largest populations residing in Florida, Kansas, Maryland. These Michael Swales range in age from 47 to 77 years old. Some potential relatives include Sheryl Fenwick, Eugenia Thompson, Javarus Swales. The associated phone number is 212-406-1306, along with 6 other potential numbers in the area codes corresponding to 541, 989, 646. For a comprehensive view, you can access contact details, phone numbers, addresses, emails, social media profiles, arrest records, photos, videos, public records, business records, resumes, CVs, work history, and related names to ensure you have all the information you need.

Public information about Michael Swales

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Us Patents

Dirt Level Early Warning System

US Patent:
5960228, Sep 28, 1999
Mar 5, 1998
Appl. No.:
Roger W. Budnik - Rochester NY
James M. Pacer - Webster NY
Guru B. Raj - Fairport NY
Ralph A. Shoemaker - Rochester NY
Michael G. Swales - Sodus NY
Xerox Corporation - Stamford CT
International Classification:
G03G 2100
US Classification:
399 8
A method to provide a highly intelligent, automated diagnostic system that identifies the need to replace specific parts to minimize machine downtime rather than require extensive service troubleshooting. In particular, a systematic, logical test analysis scheme to assess machine operation from a simple sensor system and to be able to pinpoint parts and components needing replacement is provided by a series of first level of tests by the control to monitor components for receiving a first level of data and by a series of second level of tests by the control to monitor components for receiving a second level of data. Each of the first level tests and first level data is capable of identifying a first level of part failure independent of any other test. Each of the second level tests and second level data is a combination of first level tests and first level data or a combination of a first level test and first level data and a third level test and third level data. The second level tests and second level data are capable of identifying second and third levels of part failure.

Method And Apparatus For Sensing Magnetic Signal Strength Of Xerographically Developed Toner Images For Closed Loop Control Of Magnetic Printing

US Patent:
5341193, Aug 23, 1994
Feb 22, 1991
Appl. No.:
Fred F. Hubble - Rochester NY
Michael G. Swales - Sodus NY
Michael E. Weber - Penfield NY
Gerald Abowitz - Penfield NY
Raphael F. Bov - Pittsford NY
Xerox Corporation - Stamford CT
International Classification:
G03G 2100
US Classification:
A printing machine in which magnetically permeable marking particles develop a latent image recorded on a photoconductive member. A read head is positioned on the opposite of the photoconductive member to detect magnetic field intensity effects produced by the leading edge and the trailing edge of the marking particles on the characters recorded. The detected signals are used to control the magnetic quality of the developed image.

Method And Apparatus For Automatic Customer Replaceable Unit (Cru) Setup And Cleaner Blade Lubrication

US Patent:
6438329, Aug 20, 2002
Apr 15, 1998
Appl. No.:
Roger W. Budnik - Rochester NY
James M. Pacer - Webster NY
Guru B. Raj - Fairport NY
Ralph A. Shoemaker - Rochester NY
Michael G. Swales - Sodus NY
Xerox Corporation - Stamford CT
International Classification:
G03G 1500
US Classification:
399 24, 399 12, 399 38, 399111
A method and apparatus to determine the use status of a customer replaceable unit (CRU) in an electrophotographic printing machine. The CRU has a customer replaceable unit monitor (CRUM) which communicates with the machine controller upon insertion of the CRU into the machine. Based on the signal generated by the CRUM the controller can determine whether the CRU has been previously used in the machine or is new. Appropriate settings and adjustments can be made based on predetermined parameters according to use. In addition, if a CRU is new a cycle can be initiated in which a toner patch is developed and not transferred so that a layer of toner is deposited on the cleaning blade. This minimizes damage to a photoreceptor belt due to lack of lubrication of the cleaner blade and chatter that may result therefrom.

Cleaner Stress Indicator

US Patent:
5937224, Aug 10, 1999
Mar 5, 1998
Appl. No.:
Roger W. Budnik - Rochester NY
Guru B. Raj - Fairport NY
James M. Pacer - Webster NY
Michael G. Swales - Sodus NY
Xerox Corporation - Stamford CT
International Classification:
G03L 1500
US Classification:
399 26
A method to provide a highly intelligent, automated diagnostic system that identifies the need to replace specific parts to minimize machine downtime rather than require extensive service troubleshooting. In particular, a systematic, logical test analysis scheme to assess machine operation from a simple sensor system and to be able to pinpoint parts and components needing replacement is provided by a series of first level of tests by the control to monitor components for receiving a first level of data and by a series of second level of tests by the control to monitor components for receiving a second level of data. Each of the first level tests and first level data is capable of identifying a first level of part failure independent of any other test. Each of the second level tests and second level data is a combination of first level tests and first level data or a combination of a first level test and first level data and a third level test and third level data. The second level tests and second level data are capable of identifying second and third levels of part failure.

Photoreceptor Parking Deletion Detector

US Patent:
5893008, Apr 6, 1999
Apr 6, 1998
Appl. No.:
Roger W. Budnik - Rochester NY
James M. Pacer - Webster NY
Guru B. Raj - Fairport NY
Ralph A. Shoemaker - Rochester NY
Michael G. Swales - Sodus NY
Xerox Corporation - Stamford CT
International Classification:
G03G 1500
US Classification:
399 26
A method to provide a highly intelligent, automated diagnostic system that identifies the need to replace specific parts to minimize machine downtime rather than require extensive service troubleshooting. In particular, a systematic, logical test analysis scheme to assess machine operation from a simple sensor system and to be able to pinpoint parts and components needing replacement is provided by a series of first level of tests by the control to monitor components for receiving a first level of data and by a series of second level of tests by the control to monitor components for receiving a second level of data. Each of the first level tests and first level data is capable of identifying a first level of part failure independent of any other test. Each of the second level tests and second level data is a combination of first level tests and first level data or a combination of a first level test and first level data and a third level test and third level data. The second level tests and second level data are capable of identifying second and third levels of part failure.

Dynamic Duty Cycle For Increased Latitude

US Patent:
6445889, Sep 3, 2002
Apr 26, 2001
Appl. No.:
Gerald Scott Leclerc - Webster NY
Peter J. Featherly - Rochester NY
Timothy A. Cole - Henrietta NY
Michael G. Swales - Sodus NY
Xerox Corporation - Stamford CT
International Classification:
G03G 1508
US Classification:
399 53, 399 55
In an electrostatographic development system wherein toner is conveyed from a donor member over a development gap to a charge receptor by a development field in the development gap, a method including the step of: monitoring at least a first parameter of the system to detect an arcing condition within the development gap; and if an arcing condition is detected, tuning a duty cycle to avoid the arcing condition.

Actuator Performance Indicator

US Patent:
6016204, Jan 18, 2000
Mar 5, 1998
Appl. No.:
Roger W. Budnik - Rochester NY
James M. Pacer - Webster NY
Guru B. Raj - Fairport NY
Ralph A. Shoemaker - Rochester NY
Michael G. Swales - Sodus NY
Michael E. Beard - Webster NY
Xerox Corporation - Stamford CT
International Classification:
B41B 1500
US Classification:
358 114
A method to provide a highly intelligent, automated diagnostic system that identifies the need to replace specific parts to minimize machine downtime rather than require extensive service troubleshooting. In particular, a systematic, logical test analysis scheme to assess machine operation from a simple sensor system and to be able to pinpoint parts and components needing replacement is provided by a series of first level of tests by the control to monitor components for receiving a first level of data and by a series of second level of tests by the control to monitor components for receiving a second level of data. Each of the first level tests and first level data is capable of identifying a first level of part failure independent of any other test. Each of the second level tests and second level data is a combination of first level tests and first level data or a combination of a first level test and first level data and a third level test and third level data. The second level tests and second level data are capable of identifying second and third levels of part failure.

P/R Process Control Patch Uniformity Analyzer

US Patent:
5903796, May 11, 1999
Mar 5, 1998
Appl. No.:
Roger W. Budnik - Rochester NY
James M. Pacer - Webster NY
Guru B. Raj - Fairport NY
Ralph A. Shoemaker - Rochester NY
Michael G. Swales - Sodus NY
Xerox Corporation - Stamford CT
International Classification:
US Classification:
399 26
A method to provide a highly intelligent, automated diagnostic system that identifies the need to replace specific parts to minimize machine downtime rather than require extensive service troubleshooting. In particular, a systematic, logical test analysis scheme to assess machine operation from a simple sensor system and to be able to pinpoint parts and components needing replacement is provided by a series of first level of tests by the control to monitor components for receiving a first level of data and by a series of second level of tests by the control to monitor components for receiving a second level of data. Each of the first level tests and first level data is capable of identifying a first level of part failure independent of any other test. Each of the second level tests and second level data is a combination of first level tests and first level data or a combination of a first level test and first level data and a third level test and third level data. The second level tests and second level data are capable of identifying second and third levels of part failure.

FAQ: Learn more about Michael Swales

Where does Michael Swales live?

Brooklyn, NY is the place where Michael Swales currently lives.

How old is Michael Swales?

Michael Swales is 76 years old.

What is Michael Swales date of birth?

Michael Swales was born on 1948.

What is Michael Swales's telephone number?

Michael Swales's known telephone numbers are: 212-406-1306, 541-548-8476, 989-724-3159, 646-382-8921, 586-826-3842, 814-880-2584. However, these numbers are subject to change and privacy restrictions.

How is Michael Swales also known?

Michael Swales is also known as: Mike J Swales, Leisa Archer. These names can be aliases, nicknames, or other names they have used.

Who is Michael Swales related to?

Known relatives of Michael Swales are: Grace Swales, Kishaun Archer, Leisa Archer, Monica Archer, Anthony Archer, Onna Koe, Keonna Archar. This information is based on available public records.

What are Michael Swales's alternative names?

Known alternative names for Michael Swales are: Grace Swales, Kishaun Archer, Leisa Archer, Monica Archer, Anthony Archer, Onna Koe, Keonna Archar. These can be aliases, maiden names, or nicknames.

What is Michael Swales's current residential address?

Michael Swales's current known residential address is: 8414 4Th Ave Apt B10, Brooklyn, NY 11209. Please note this is subject to privacy laws and may not be current.

What are the previous addresses of Michael Swales?

Previous addresses associated with Michael Swales include: PO Box 126, Redmond, OR 97756; 216 S School Dr Apt 26, Harrisville, MI 48740; 309A Union Ave, Salisbury, MD 21801; 8414 4Th Ave Apt B10, Brooklyn, NY 11209; 382 N Linwood Beach Rd, Linwood, MI 48634. Remember that this information might not be complete or up-to-date.

What is Michael Swales's professional or employment history?

Michael Swales has held the following positions: Workplace Consultant / Nbs Commercial Interiors; President / Ritechoiceheating; Manager / Smart Coast Tires. This is based on available information and may not be complete.

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