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David Wallance

In the United States, there are 39 individuals named David Wallance spread across 27 states, with the largest populations residing in California, Florida, Michigan. These David Wallance range in age from 50 to 86 years old. Some potential relatives include Deborah Ulrich, Rebecca Wallance, Beth Wallance. The associated phone number is 718-852-2984, including 2 other potential numbers within the area code of 914. For a comprehensive view, you can access contact details, phone numbers, addresses, emails, social media profiles, arrest records, photos, videos, public records, business records, resumes, CVs, work history, and related names to ensure you have all the information you need.

Public information about David Wallance


Us Patents

System For Modular Building Construction

US Patent:
2014000, Jan 9, 2014
Feb 19, 2013
Appl. No.:
David Wallance - Croton-on-Hudson NY, US
International Classification:
E04H 1/00
E04B 1/343
US Classification:
52 795, 5274502
Construction systems for erecting building structures comprise a plurality of prefabricated interconnectable modular building units, each unit comprising framing members and a plurality of nodes, each node situated for selective interconnection with other units, the nodes and the exterior dimensions of the frame conforming to ISO shipping standards such that each unit is transportable using the ISO intermodal transportation system, and such that when the units are interconnected, a building structure is formed, each unit never before having been used as a container for transporting products unrelated to the system for modular building construction. The modular units are assembled at a remote location, and are there constructed to a semi-finished state, following which the semi-finished modular units are transported from the remote location to the job site, where they are secured to form the structure being erected, and the semi-finished modular units are thereafter constructed to a finished state.

System For Modular Building Construction

US Patent:
2015000, Jan 8, 2015
Jul 24, 2014
Appl. No.:
- Larchmont NY, US
David Wallance - Croton-on-Hudson NY, US
International Classification:
E04H 1/00
E04B 1/348
E04B 1/343
US Classification:
52 799, 5274502, 527452
Construction systems for erecting building structures comprise a plurality of prefabricated interconnectable modular building units, each unit comprising framing members and a plurality of nodes, each node situated for selective interconnection with other units, the nodes and the exterior dimensions of the frame conforming to ISO shipping standards such that each unit is transportable using the ISO intermodal transportation system, and such that when the units are interconnected, a building structure is formed. The modular units are assembled at a remote location, and are there constructed to a semi-finished state, following which the semi-finished modular units are transported from the remote location to the job site, where they are secured to form the structure being erected, and the semi-finished modular units are thereafter constructed to a finished state.

System For Modular Building Construction

US Patent:
2008013, Jun 12, 2008
Aug 17, 2007
Appl. No.:
Alexander Abrams - New York NY, US
Jason Buchheit - Brooklyn NY, US
Eldon Scott - New York NY, US
David Wallance - Croton-on-Hudson NY, US
International Classification:
E04H 1/04
US Classification:
52 791
Construction systems for erecting building structures comprise a plurality of prefabricated interconnectable modular building units, each unit not meeting at least one of the ISO certification criteria for transport of cargo but each unit comprising a frame shaped as a rectangular parallelopiped and comprised of framing members and a plurality of nodes, each node situated at a corner of said frame for selective interconnection with other units, the nodes and the exterior dimensions of the frame conforming to ISO shipping standards such that each unit is transportable using the ISO intermodal transportation system, and such that when the units are aggregated horizontally and vertically and adjacent units are interconnected, a building structure comprising at least one habitable space is formed. The modular units are assembled in a factory remote from the job site, and are there constructed to a semi-finished state, including installation of one or more of interior fit-out systems and finishes, exterior envelope systems, plumbing systems, electrical systems, environmental systems, and fire protection systems, following which the semi-finished modular units are transported from the factory to the job site, where they are craned into place and secured to form the structure being erected, a plurality of adjacent pairs of semi-finished modular units also being “stitched” together, and the semi-finished modular units are thereafter constructed to a finished state.

System For Modular Building Construction

US Patent:
2015033, Nov 26, 2015
Jul 29, 2015
Appl. No.:
- Larchmont NY, US
David WALLANCE - Croton-on-Hudson NY, US
International Classification:
E04B 1/348
E04H 1/00
E04B 1/343
Construction systems for erecting building structures comprise a plurality of prefabricated interconnectable modular building units, each unit comprising framing members and a plurality of nodes, each node situated for selective interconnection with other units, the nodes and the exterior dimensions of the frame conforming to ISO shipping standards such that each unit is transportable using the ISO intermodal transportation system, and such that when the units are interconnected, a building structure is formed. The modular units are assembled at a remote location, and are there constructed to a semi-finished state, following which the semi-finished modular units are transported from the remote location to the job site, where they are secured to form the structure being erected, and the semi-finished modular units are thereafter constructed to a finished state.

System For Modular Building Construction

US Patent:
2011001, Jan 27, 2011
Oct 7, 2010
Appl. No.:
International Classification:
E04H 1/02
E04B 1/38
E04B 1/00
US Classification:
52 799, 5274513, 5274521, 527411
Construction systems for erecting building structures comprise a plurality of prefabricated interconnectable modular building units, each unit comprising a frame shaped as a rectangular parallelopiped and comprised of framing members and a plurality of nodes, each node situated at a corner of said frame for selective interconnection with other units, the frame having at least one attachment point separate from the nodes for selective attachment to the frame of at least one adjacent unit, the nodes and the exterior dimensions of the frame conforming to ISO shipping standards such that each unit is transportable using the ISO intermodal transportation system, and such that when the units are aggregated horizontally and vertically and adjacent units are interconnected, a building structure comprising at least one habitable space is formed. The modular units are assembled in a factory remote from the job site, and are there constructed to a semi-finished state, including installation of one or more of interior fit-out systems and finishes, exterior envelope systems, plumbing systems, electrical systems, environmental systems, and fire protection systems, following which the semi-finished modular units are transported from the factory to the job site, where they are craned into place and secured to form the structure being erected, a plurality of adjacent pairs of semi-finished modular units also being “stitched” together, and the semi-finished modular units are thereafter constructed to a finished state.

System For Modular Building Construction

US Patent:
2011025, Oct 20, 2011
Jun 29, 2011
Appl. No.:
David Wallance - Croton-on-Hudson NY, US
International Classification:
E04H 1/00
E04B 1/343
E04H 1/02
US Classification:
52 795, 52 799, 5274502
Construction systems for erecting building structures comprise a plurality of prefabricated interconnectable modular building units, each unit comprising a frame shaped as a rectangular parallelopiped and comprised of framing members and a plurality of nodes, each node situated at a corner of said frame for selective interconnection with other units, the framing members comprising eight edge rails, at least one edge rail in one unit being interconnected by beam stitching with a respective edge rail in at least one other unit, the nodes and the exterior dimensions of the frame conforming to ISO shipping standards such that each unit is transportable using the ISO intermodal transportation system, and such that when the units are aggregated horizontally and vertically and adjacent units are interconnected, a building structure comprising at least one habitable space is formed. The modular units are assembled in a factory remote from the job site, and are there constructed to a semi-finished state, including installation of one or more of interior fit-out systems and finishes, exterior envelope systems, plumbing systems, electrical systems, environmental systems, and fire protection systems, following which the semi-finished modular units are transported from the factory to the job site, where they are craned into place and secured to form the structure being erected, a plurality of adjacent pairs of semi-finished modular units also being “stitched” together, and the semi-finished modular units are thereafter constructed to a finished state.
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FAQ: Learn more about David Wallance

Where does David Wallance live?

Brooklyn, NY is the place where David Wallance currently lives.

How old is David Wallance?

David Wallance is 70 years old.

What is David Wallance date of birth?

David Wallance was born on 1953.

What is David Wallance's telephone number?

David Wallance's known telephone numbers are: 718-852-2984, 914-271-1240. However, these numbers are subject to change and privacy restrictions.

How is David Wallance also known?

David Wallance is also known as: David S Wallance, Dave Wallance. These names can be aliases, nicknames, or other names they have used.

Who is David Wallance related to?

Known relatives of David Wallance are: Deborah Ulrich, Rebecca Wallance, Beth Wallance. This information is based on available public records.

What are David Wallance's alternative names?

Known alternative names for David Wallance are: Deborah Ulrich, Rebecca Wallance, Beth Wallance. These can be aliases, maiden names, or nicknames.

What is David Wallance's current residential address?

David Wallance's current known residential address is: 109 Gold St Apt 5A, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Please note this is subject to privacy laws and may not be current.

What are the previous addresses of David Wallance?

Previous addresses associated with David Wallance include: 36 Prospect Pl, Croton Hdsn, NY 10520; 141 Colabaugh Pond Rd, Croton on Hudson, NY 10520; 147 Colabaugh Pond Rd, Croton on Hudson, NY 10520. Remember that this information might not be complete or up-to-date.

What is David Wallance's professional or employment history?

David Wallance has held the following positions: Owner / David Wallance Architect PLLC; President / Wallance Hibbs Architects; Managing / David Wallance Architect, Pllc. This is based on available information and may not be complete.

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